Shop From Home

Reed Xpress - Buy Hyundai From Home!

Delivery Options

We want to ensure your new vehicle delivery is as easy and convenient as possible. We realize not everyone will feel comfortable to visit the dealership at this time, so there are delivery options to help you feel safe!

    • Express Delivery
      Complete financing, trade and negotiations all from the comfort of your home and schedule delivery at dealership.  With scheduled delivery simply bring in your necessary documents for review and we will get you on the road in your new vehicle. 
    • Local Home Delivery 
      Complete required paperwork and we will bring the vehicle to you for full delivery.
    • Carrier Home Delivery 
      This option may be available to customers living further away from our location. Call us now for more details.

    COVID-19 and Dealership Safety

    We know that global concern about the current COVID-19 is still very prominent and as such, we’re doing our best to keep everyone healthy and safe in the dealership while also minimizing the disruptions to our day-to-day operations.

    In such unprecedented times, we have introduced Reed Xpress Buying, where you can walk through all of the same steps to buying a car only now from the comfort of your own home. We realize not everyone will feel comfortable to visit the dealership at this time, so this is just one more way we are offering to help. You may schedule a sales appointment anytime!

    If you would like to visit the dealership, we would be glad to see you! We want to inform you that we’re closely monitoring the situation and are sharing the ways we can all help keep the dealership safe, as well as the steps we’ll take as an organization if and when necessary.

    • Stay home if we are sick
      If you experience cold, flu-like symptoms, or simply a running nose, please stay home. Because the coronavirus produces cold-like symptoms in 80% of infected individuals, it’s important to remain at home when ill regardless of how mild your symptoms are. If you have a fever over 100 degrees, please stay home for 14 days to ensure you have not contracted the coronavirus.
    • Refrain from visiting the dealership after travel to an infected city or high-risk country
      Please do not come into the dealership for 14 days if you’ve visited a city with a confirmed case of the virus, whether the trip was business-related or for personal travel. Additionally, if you’ve visited any city – with or without confirmed cases – in the countries of China, South Korea, Italy, or Iran, please refrain from entering the dealership for 14 days.
    • Stay home if we’ve had contact with a potentially infected person 
      The virus spreads easily from person to person. Please stay home for 14-days if you’ve had contact with a confirmed case or potentially infected person. This includes persons returning from high-risk countries.
    • Proper cough and sneeze hygiene
      Cover your nose or mouth with a tissue or your elbow – not your hand – and discard the tissue immediately after. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water immediately afterward.
    • Wash our hands regularly
      Proper hand washing remains the best way to prevent transmission of the virus. Wash your hands after using the restroom, touching your face, eating, drinking, coughing, or sneezing, and at regular intervals throughout the day. Use warm soapy water and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, or the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. Alternatively, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is effective as well.
    • Stop touching our faces
      Fomites – objects that we commonly touch – are the main way the disease is spreading. Reduce the chance of transmission from a fomite, like a doorknob, by keeping your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • Rely on virtual communication when possible
      In an effort to cut down on human-to-human contact, please encourage business communications to be over the phone whenever possible versus face-to-face communications.

    In turn, the measures we’re taking as a company will be:

    • Increase supplies of sanitizer wipes
      We’ll ensure the workplace has ample sanitizer wipes.
    • Increased cleaning of all workstations and customer areas.
      All employees are to wipe down their workstation, including, but not limited to: phone, keyboard, light switches, desk space and nearest door handle every hour. Additionally, more frequent cleaning and building sanitation actions will be taken.
    • Mandatory Sanitizing of all Steering Wheels and Door Handles of all Customer Vehicles.
      All employees are to wipe down both the steering wheel and door handle of every customer vehicle prior to entering any customer vehicle.
    • Provide ample hand sanitizer and tissues around the dealership.
      Please cough and sneeze into tissues and immediately discard them. Use hand sanitizer after coughing, sneezing, touching your face, and regularly throughout the day.
    • Conducting Business Operations via Phone or Online Whenever Possible
      We encourage all business transactions communicated via phone and email whenever possible. We are able to fully support shop at home requests, from test drive to delivery!
    • Keeping all staff distanced a minimum of six feet apart
      In an effort to slow the spread we are asking all staff and customers maintain a social distance of 6 feet apart during any in person meetings.

    Of all these measures, we cannot stress enough the importance of staying home when you’re sick. Please do your part to keep everyone safe and healthy by refraining from coming into the dealership with symptoms even if you “feel fine.”

    Thanks for your continued support in this uncertain time.